
Friday, October 5, 2012

Feel-Good Friday

Sorry, all two readers of this thing.  September ended up being a far crazier month than anticipated.  I'll try to get back into the swing of things with entries and updates this month.
Here's a Feel-Good Friday clip for today, though.
To set the scene:  A few years ago, I decided that I really wanted to master a bizarre skill that could have no possible application at any time, yet would still be awesome.  So I set out to learn the lyrics to the B-52's "Rock Lobster" in sign language.  I think I can still do most of the first verse.
Anyway, my history with the song coupled with my deep and abiding love for puns is what makes this clip so awesome I want to cry.

1 comment:

  1. This reader refuses to click play because I don't want the song stuck in my head. But I fear just reading the title has already done the job. Thanks. ;)
    Happy Friday! Woo-hoo!! It's Friday!
